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Anxiety and Depression in Children

Some fears and worries are specific in children; persistent forms of anxiety and sadness could be because of anxiety or depression. They need your HELP!


It's normal for children, like mature people, to undergo emotional ups and downs. For some children, feeling "blue" for a lengthy period can indicate depression. If your kid's mental health obstructs their social life, interests, school or normal family life, it's time to get help.


Children, like grown-ups, can feel anxious and down. But unlike adults, they are not always able to show these feelings. Children may not have developed enough ability to pinpoint what they're feeling. And sometimes, even when they sense that things are not correct, they may not be able to put these feelings into words.




When children do not process the sense of fears and worries especially young children, or when there are too many fears and concerns that obstruct in school, home or play time, the child may be detect with an anxiety disorder. 


Signs of Anxiety in Children:


  1. Being scared when away from father and mother(separation anxiety)

  2. Having utmost fear about particular things or conditions, like dogs, insects, or going to the doctor (phobias)

  3. Having fear of school and other places where there are many people (social anxiety)

  4. Fear about future and bad things happening (general anxiety)

  5. Having repeated episodes of sudden, unexpected, intense fear that come with symptoms like heart pounding, having trouble breathing, or feeling dizzy, shaky, or sweaty (panic disorder)


Anxiety may present as fear or worry, making children ill-tempered and angry. Anxiety indications can include problem in sleeping and physical signs like fatigue, headaches, or stomach aches. Some kids keep their worries to themselves; thus, the signs can be missed.




Occasionally being worried is a part of every kid's life. But, some children feel sad or uninterested in things they used to enjoy or feel helpless in situations they can change. Children who think persistent sadness and hopelessness may be diagnosed with depression.


Signs of depression in children:


  1. Feeling sad, hopeless, or irritated a lot of the time

  2. Not liking to do or enjoy involving in fun things

  3. Showing alteration in eating behaviour– eating too much or too little than usual

  4. Showing alteration in sleeping schedule– sleeping too much or too little than ordinary

  5. Showing changes like being tired and inactive or tense and restless a many time

  6. Having a hard time concentrating

  7. Feeling worthless, futile, or guilty

  8. Showing self-injury and self-destructive conduct


Some children may not talk about being helpless and hopeless and also may not look sad. Depression might also cause a kid to make trouble or act uninterested, causing others not to know that the child is depressed or to label the child as a troublemaker or lazy incorrectly.


Mental health check-in with your kid


When you spend time with your child, you tell them they are important to you. Following are some questions that can assist you gain understanding into their mental health:


  • Who are your friends now? What do you do with them?

  • What are you feeling? Are you feeling happy, sad, angry, or frustrated.

  • What do you think about it before you fall asleep?

  • What do you enjoy doing these days?

  • Do you have stomachaches or headaches?


How to solve anxiety and depression in children


If not treated timely, anxiety and depression can negatively impact your child's social life and academic function. This can further push them to drop-out of school, use substances, have problems with relationships, and even thinking about or attempt suicide.


1. Therapy


The following types of therapy can help:


  • Play, art, and drama therapy can help kids who may not able to express their feelings directly.

  • Cognitive behavioural therapy CBT can help your kid replace existing thoughts with more positive ones, leading to effective ways of thinking. This can further lead to more effective behaviour.

  • Acceptance and mindfulness techniques help kid's learn to live in the moment. Children also can be guided to stop self-judging and, in this way, deal with unwanted thoughts or behaviours.

  • Interpersonal psychotherapy. This method can assist your child express better with others and works to straight out relationship issues that lead to depression or anxiety.


2. Lifestyle changes


Lifestyle modifications are a good way and helpful treatments for depression and anxiety


  • Regular exercise or involvement in sports

  • Eating a healthy diet with plenty of whole foods and plants

  • Getting abundance of sleep

  • Managing stress

  • Avoiding substance use

  • Making positive social connections

  • ​

Concluding Thought


Every child is unique. Some may outgrow depression or anxiety; others may need to manage these conditions with help. We, letsbefriends, are always there for you to help bridge the gap of understanding your child and discuss the cause. 


We are here to help deal with the situation in the best possible way.




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